
Exploratory Data Analysis

Download the MovieLens 1M Dataset. You’ll find four files: README, movies.dat, ratings.dat, and users.dat. Check the readme file to understand the format of the other three files.

Load the data into R.

# ratings data
# use colClasses = 'NULL' to skip columns
ratings = read.csv('ratings.dat', sep = ':', 
    colClasses = c('integer', 'NULL'), header = FALSE)
colnames(ratings) = c('UserID', 'MovieID', 'Rating', 'Timestamp')
dim(ratings) # 1000209-by-4
ratings[1:4, ]

# movies data
# In movies.dat, some movie names contain single colon (:), so the above 
# method does not work. 

movies = readLines('movies.dat')
movies = strsplit(movies, split = "::", fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
movies = matrix(unlist(movies), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
movies = data.frame(movies, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(movies) = c('MovieID', 'Title', 'Genres')
movies$MovieID = as.integer(movies$MovieID)

Explore the relationship between movie ratings and movie genres. First, simplify movie genres: multiple genres to ‘Multiple’.

movies$Genres = ifelse(grepl('\\|', movies$Genres), "Multiple", 

Then merge ratings and movie datasets.

rating_merged = merge(x = ratings, y = movies, by.x = "MovieID")

Use ggplot to make a bar graph.

ggplot(rating_merged, aes(x = factor(Genres), y = Rating), 
       color = factor(vs)) + stat_summary(fun.y = mean, position =
       position_dodge(), geom = "bar") + labs(x = "Genres", y = "Mean
       ratings", title = "Mean ratings by genres") + theme(axis.text.x =
       element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

Prepare training and test data

ratings$Timestamp = NULL;
colnames(ratings) = c('user', 'movie', 'rating')
set.seed(100) = sample(nrow(ratings), floor(nrow(ratings)) * 0.6)
train = ratings[, ]

test = ratings[, ] = sample(nrow(test), floor(nrow(test)) * 0.5)
test = test[, ]

label = test[c('user', 'rating')]
test$rating = NULL

Recommender System

We train a recommender system and make prediction on the test data.

R = acast(train, user ~ movie)
R = as(R, 'realRatingMatrix')

Normalize the utility matrix and visualize data:

R_m = normalize(R)

# visualize
image(R, main = "Raw Ratings")
image(R_m, main = "Normalized Ratings")

Learn a recommender. According to recommenderlab: A Framework for Developing and Testing Recommendation Algorithms.

recommenderRegistry$get_entries(dataType = "realRatingMatrix")
rec = Recommender(R, method = 'UBCF',
    parameter = list(normalize = 'Z-score', method = 'Cosine', nn = 5)

A short summary of the model:


Now let’s make prediction on the test data:

recom = predict(rec, R, type = 'ratings')  # predict ratings. This may be slow.
rec_list = as(recom, 'list')  # each element are ratings of that user

test$rating = NA

# For all lines in test file, one by one
for (u in 1:nrow(test)){

    # Read userid and movieid from columns 2 and 3 of test data
    userid = as.character(test$user[u])
    movieid = as.character(test$movie[u])
    rating = rec_list[[userid]][movieid]
    # 2.5 may be too arbitrary
    test$rating[u] = ifelse(, 2.5, rating)

# write submission file
write.table(test, file = 'mysubmission1.csv', row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE, sep = ',')