
Before running a GBM model, decide on the following hyperparameters:

  • loss Function: For regression tasks, ‘Gaussian’ (squared error) is commonly used

  • n.trees: number of trees (default = 100)

  • shrinkage: shrinkage factor or learning rate (default = 0.1)

  • bag.fraction: fraction of the training data used for learning (default = 0.5)

  • cv.folds: number of folds for cross-validation (default = 0, i.e., no CV error returned)

  • interaction.depth: depth of individual trees (default 1)

Case Study: Housing Data

We first split the Boston Housing dataset into a 70% training set and a 30% test set.

## Loaded gbm
url = ""
mydata = read.csv(url)
n = nrow(mydata)
ntest = round(n * 0.3)
set.seed(1234) = sample(1:n, ntest)

Fit a GBM

myfit1 = gbm(Y ~ . , data = mydata[, ], 
            distribution = "gaussian", 
            n.trees = 100,
            shrinkage = 1, 
            interaction.depth = 3, 
            bag.fraction = 1,
            cv.folds = 5)
## gbm(formula = Y ~ ., distribution = "gaussian", data = mydata[, 
##     ], n.trees = 100, interaction.depth = 3, shrinkage = 1, bag.fraction = 1, 
##     cv.folds = 5)
## A gradient boosted model with gaussian loss function.
## 100 iterations were performed.
## The best cross-validation iteration was 20.
## There were 14 predictors of which 13 had non-zero influence.

Optimal Stopping Point

Plot the CV error to find the optimal number of trees to prevent overfitting. In our case, the optimal stopping point is about trees.

opt.size = gbm.perf(myfit1)