9.3. Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
In our previous discussion, we explored the process of constructing a classification rule. To do this effectively, we need to estimate two key components:
\(f_k(x)\): conditional density function of \(X|Y=k\)
\(\pi_k\): the marginal probability or prior probability for class ‘k’.
Estimating \(\pi_k\) is straightforward, as it involves calculating the frequency of occurrence for a discrete random variable Y.
On the other hand, estimating \(f_k(x)\), which represents the distribution of the p-dimensional feature vector x, requires a bit more consideration. When X is continuous, a natural choice is to assume a normal distribution. So, let’s assume that given Y = k, we model the p-dimensional feature vector x for this particular class as a multivariate normal distribution.
This distribution has two crucial parameters: \(\mu_k\), a p-dimensional mean vector, and \(\Sigma_k\), a p-by-p covariance matrix. It’s worth noting that we’ll represent the inverse of the covariance matrix as \(\Theta\). This inverse covariance matrix is often referred to as the precision matrix.
For a multivariate normal distribution with these parameters, the density function takes the following form:
Now, move on to computing the Bayes rule for our model. If we assume that \(f_k\) follows a normal distribution, we have
Since our objective is to maximize \(P(Y = k \mid x)\), we can equivalently minimize the quantity \(d_k\). Breaking down d_k, it consists of three terms:
the 1st term is the quadratic term mentioned earlier, representing the Mahalanobis distance between data point \(x\) and the center \(\mu_k\);
the 2nd term is the log of the determinant of the covariance matrix, and
the term involves the frequency of the class.
This classification rule, described here, is known as quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA). The key characteristic of QDA is that the function used to make decisions is quadratic in terms of the feature vector \(x\).
For example, if we have two classes (K = 2), the decision boundary would be where \(d_k(x) = 1/2\), indicating equal likelihood for both classes. Due to the quadratic nature of \(d_k(x)\), the decision boundary will also be quadratic in terms of \(x\).
In practice, estimating the three sets of parameters \((\pi_k, \mu_k, \Sigma_k)\) involves straightforward calculations. \(\pi_k\) can be computed as the frequency of class k in the training data; \(\mu_k\) and \(\Sigma_k\) can be estimated by the sample mean and sample covariance matrix of the data points belonging to each class separately. Once these parameters are estimated, we can calculate \(d_k(x)\) for every class k and select the class that minimizes d_k as our prediction.
It’s important to note that in these calculations, the focus is not on \(\Sigma_k\) itself but on its inverse. In cases where \(\Sigma_k\) is not invertible, typically due to a large number of dimensions (p), a simple solution is to add a small constant (\(\epsilon\)) times the identity matrix to \(\Sigma_k\) and then take its inverse \((\Sigma_k + \epsilon \mathbf{I}_p)^{-1},\) ensuring invertibility.